Friday, November 23, 2012

Well Since The Semester Is Almost Over...

Well I guess maybe I should talk about what has been going on.. although it hasn't been too exciting.
Freshman Year Fall Semester at Utah State University! 
It is only like 3 weeks away from being over. I might just survive, just maybe.  I'll be honest the first month of school wasn't as fun as I had anticipated.  Being sick/post fair allergies didn't help the cause.  I am taking 13 credits this semester. My first Class of the day is Creative Arts.. it is horrrrrrible. Mainly because I am not the #1 fan of art history, and having a class as big as 2000 students in a dark concert hall makes it hard to pay attention.  My next class is Political Science.  I actually enjoy this class, if I didn't have an AWESOME SI instructor, I would probably be totally lost, but I was lucky.  This class has been very interesting and has helped me become more involved and informed in the election.  When I got my results from my first essay exam I thought is was going to be a long semester, but I have finally got the hang of things and I should end up with a decent grade, and I will be happy with it :) Then here come the class that has been totally over my head basically this whole semester.  Social Ethics. Man, I guess I know 2 things I will definitely not major in, Philosophy and Art History.  Social Ethics has been interesting, but most of the time I have no idea what is being talked about because all these smart kids use 200th grade vocabulary.  I actually just finished my midterm last week and thank goodness it was a take home midterm and we could work on it in groups and ask her question, if that would not have been the case I would have been in trouble.  All of those classes are general education classes, which I only have 3 more to take and I will be all done with generals.  The fourth class I am taking is Spanish.  I am planning on minoring in Spanish! My professor, Profesora Lund, is sooo sweet. She is a grad student and she works well with all of the students in her class. I have learned a lot, but I have also realized that I learned a lot in SeƱor Jensen's class.  All of my classes this semester have been on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This worked out great because I get to work full days at Central Milling on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

So like I said I have been working 2 days a week at Central Milling.  I don't really have to much to say about what has been happening at work, because it is basically the same everyday, which I am ok with.  BUT..  I do have to tell about one customer that came in.  I honestly want to secretly hide a video that captures the funny moments whether it is me being totally blond, to see how many times Steve and I forget to click PRINT on our computer before walking to an empty printer, the interesting truck drivers, and walk in customers.  I do have one story to tell, I should email it to Bill Engvall so he could use it as a Here's Your Sign joke.

So this lady walks into the office to buy some flour, she looks at our price list and she looks up at me and asked, "So do you guys use this Red Rose Pancake and Waffle Flour to make pancakes and  waffles?"
This is where I almost lost myself in laughter. It was all I could do to hold back from bursting out.. I looked at her and simply answered, "Umm yeah?" I wish I Could think on the spot and I would have replied...
"No we use it to make Torillas!!!!"

The Rest of the Fun
So I guess I have done some fun things, but I wish I had more time to be involved on campus.  I will admit, I did go through this stage when I didn't really want to be social and all I did was homework and watch Army Wives on Netflix.. but since I am all caught up, except season 6 part 1 which isn't on Netflix, I have become more social.  I have been to most of the football games (holla for the Aggie being the WAC champions) and I have already started going to the basketball games, which have been awesome.  So I guess November has been the month that I have honestly started having the REAL fun.. and I guess you could say the end of October also.  
So end of October, Haley and I got all dressed up in baseball pants and a uniform and headed to the HOWL aka the biggest halloween party in the west). It was pretty fun and slightly sketchy.  I am glad they had more stuff going on other than the dance, or I would have melted in the heat.  It was especially warm in the front. Yes I made it to the front of the mosh pit and it was great.  Then I also found out something else on our way back to Tremonton.  The Subway on main street is open 24 hours!!! 

So then November happened,and it is still happening. I have been blessed with a lot of fun this month, and I became more SOCIAL!!!!
So at the first of the month we went to a Stuff a Bus Blitz night. which consisted of students loading up on Aggie Shuttles and being drops off in logan neighborhood to collect food for the Cache Valley food pantry.  My bus got dropped off in all the nice houses on the side of the hill by the island, people are so generous! And we got invited into a house at least 1 time because the guy thought we were there for family home evening. 
Went to the first Aggie Basketball Game, sat in the rowdy crowd and got free Chik-Fil-A whole we stood in the freezing line for 2 hours.

And the role of Wild Bill was passes down.

Ok so another exciting this is I got to see Jessyca Fullmer for the first time since Kelli's graduation in 2011.. YES IT WAS SOOO LONG, it really was. Us three went to the game along with Natalie, Lauren and Selah. It was a good game, and Kelli and I have officially decided that our favorite part of the whole game is the winning team, losing team cheer!! Afterwards we went and got some money and then went to Aggie Ice Cream which was amazing.  We ended up driving back to old farm because there was no where to sit, but we just had a good talk in Jessyca's car. That led to us realizing we wanted real food, so at 10:30 we rushed to Winger's and they probably hate us for coming in 30 minutes before they closed, but I think our waiter had fun, he was a funny guy.  We shoved our faces and then had a sleep over at Kelli's apartment.  The next morning we went to her ward and listened to her give a lovely talk on gratitude, and heard this other interesting talk about making hand turkeys.. WEIRD! It was soo good to see Jessyca, especially because she is leaving in January to serve an LDS Mission.  That night I was reminded of how amazing she was, I love her!
It was so great that I owe it and the last week with my roommates and amazing neighbors their own post.
So the last great thing we did before this weekend was go to an A-Week planning meeting.  It was great and even though it is not going to be happening until April, I am super excited to be involved.  I am glad I am a member of SAA (student alumni association)! That night ended very exciting, and super happy to be an AGGIE!!!

Random Times
So these are some other things that have went on prior to my exciting month of November.. Meet my roommates, who you will hear about later:)
 Went to the Chalk Dance on Monday night of Homecoming Week!!
 This is Lauren and I love her:) I'm not quite sure what is happening right now.
 Celebrating before the homecoming game
 One night we kept migrating into our hallway upstairs, not quire sure why, but we are weird.
 We went to the Mr. USU pageant, which was also during homecoming week.  It was awesome and Doug Fiefia won the title.  He is in SAA and he is a great guy.
 We tried to change our lightbulb.. but after 4 of us trying we couldn't get the outside case thing to stay on.
 Paige made her mouth a speaker... Trust me it worked try it.
 after about 2 months of having a blank wall I finally added some pictures and stuff.
And I face timed my soul sister Sarah, and chatted with Lindsay, Mark and helped Denise try to pick out a crazy hat for red ribbon week.
And my car was covered with snow for the first time this year.

I have to say I have some great friends, at USU and also not at USU. Thank goodness for Texting, Phone Calls, FaceTime and Conference Calls:)
Well that is it for Tonight BYEEE

Shaunie Lyn:)

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